Thank you for your interest in hosting the 3rd TAFISA European Sport for All Games 2026!

Before commencing the application process, ensure that you have all required documents ready for upload. These include:
  • Preliminary Games scenario proposal
  • Letter signed by the legal representative of the organisation confirming your bidding for the 3rd TAFISA European Sport for All Games 2026
  • Letters of support from your supporting bodies to your application (Ministry, local government, etc)
Applications to host the 2026 European Games must be all completed and submitted to the TAFISA office before 30 September, to be valid. Upon request of the interested parties, online meetings and onsite visits with and by TAFISA representatives can be organised at any time until then for support in the building of the application.

Upon receipt of the application, TAFISA reviews the dossier submitted by the candidate and may request a meeting to discuss any open questions. Once the application is vetted by the TAFISA Office, a pre-contract (which will only become valid if the candidate is selected officially) is signed with the candidate. The candidate is then given the title of “Official Bidder”.

The Host of the 2026 European Games will be selected by TAFISA Board of Directors in November. Following the confirmation of the host nation and organisation(s), the contract between TAFISA and the host organisation(s) will become valid.