Thank you for your nomination! The fine-print...
  • Who: The Europe Staffing 100 list will include people who have made an impact within their team, be it with an idea for a new work arrangement, product or just leadership that resulted in increased revenue or perhaps saved a business unit thousands of euros or pounds. It would be helpful if this could be quantified or at least tracked in some fashion. An executive can be in any role as long as he or she is in the workforce solutions space — for example, managing a branch or handling compliance in an online staffing platform. He or she could be a lawyer or operate an MSP/VMS.
  • No vendors to the industry. We are looking only at executives working in the ecosystem, and not in the role of suppliers or vendors to recruitment firms.
  • Not a ranking: This list is not a ranking. It's a contemporary look at the most influential people in our ecosystem, the centre of which is recruitment.
  • Publication: The list will be published in the European issue of Staffing Industry Review. There will be a microsite to accompany the feature in the magazine.
  • Deadline: Nominations will be accepted through May 26.

Question Title

* 1. About the nominee...

Question Title

* 2. Why should this nominee be included on the Staffing 100 list?

Question Title

* 3. About the person making the nomination...

Question Title

* 4. Additional comments...

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