Your ideas are important to us!

Thank you for taking the time to help us envision future learning environments - physical spaces - for VBCPS Schools!

This is the 2nd survey for PPEA projects as we are collecting insights and ideas from the Virginia Beach community of faculty, staff, students and the wider community.  (To view or complete the 1st survey, please visit

Stay tuned and follow the planning process to see how your ideas will help shape the future of our schools!  Check out the project website:


A)  FIRST, let us know how you are connected to the VBCPS community.
B)  THEN, complete as many questions as you can.

C)  FINALLY, you'll have a chance to offer any additional insights you may have about you and/or your school(s).

D)  SUBMIT - Please don't forget to click "Submit" at the end of the survey so that your answers are recorded!

NOTE that there are no "right" or "wrong" responses, this survey is intended to gather ideas!  

Thank You!  


Question Title

* 1. Please tell us a bit about yourself and your connection to VBCPS (feel free to choose all that apply)

Question Title

* 2. If you work at a VBCPS school, what is your department, area, and/or role? (what do you do?)

Question Title

* 3. The school(s) I am most familiar with: (feel free to select all that apply)

Question Title

* 4. Is there anything else you would like us to know about you? 

Question Title

* 5. May we contact you for further clarification of your responses?

Question Title

* 6. Two ideas are presented below.  Please indicate your preferences for each idea.
IDEA A:  The building should include Multiple Floors/Stories to allow for more fields and outdoor open space.
IDEA B:  The building should be designed with Fewer Floors/Stories to allow for more spaces to have direct access outside.

Question Title

* 7. Two ideas are presented below.  Please indicate your preferences for each idea.
IDEA A:  The building layout should locate and/or group classrooms for project-based learning.
IDEA B:  The building layout should locate and/or group classrooms by department / subject.

Question Title

* 8. Two ideas are presented below.  Please indicate your preferences for each idea.
IDEA A:  The building layout should locate Career/Tech labs together with regular classrooms.
IDEA B:  The building layout should locate Career/Tech labs separate from regular classrooms. 

Question Title

* 9. What spaces and/or features do you feel are are most important to have in a school? Why are these important?

Question Title

* 10. Are there any other ideas you would like to share about VBCPS schools?