Town of Paris
The Town of Paris is updating our 2014 Comprehensive Plan. The plan will inventory existing conditions in the Town, renew goals and objectives for future development, and include an implementation strategy. It will address topics such as:
- future growth and land use
- natural resources
- housing and neighborhoods
- transportation and infrastructure
- parks and recreation
- community facilities and services
We'd like to understand your vision for how the Town should guide and accommodate growth over the next 5-10 years. Please answer the survey questions to share your input and provide any additional comments to describe the changes you’d like to see in your community.
If you would prefer, you can fill out and return a paper survey at Town Hall by September 20, 2023. If you would like to have a survey mailed to you, please contact Gina LaMonte at 315-839-5678 ext 7 or paristowncodesofficer@frontiernet.net
SAVE THE DATE for a community visioning meeting at Town Hall on Wednesday, October 4, 2023 from 6:00-8:00pm. Please visit www.EnvisionParisNYCompPlan.com for more information and updates on the Comprehensive Plan.
THANK YOU for taking this survey to share your vision for the future of your town!