STEW (Soup, The Ensley Way)

Please answer each question below as completely and briefly as possible. The S.T.E.W board meets at least one week before each dinner to select the top four projects to be presented at the next dinner. You will be contacted at least four days before the next S.T.E.W. If you have questions, comments or concerns, please email

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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. Describe your project (What are you trying to do and how will you do it? Where will/does your project take place? Who is the target audience for your project and how will you reach these people? Etc.)

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* 3. How does your project benefit Downtown Ensley businesses and the Ensley community?

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* 4. How will you use STEW funding to carry out your project?

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* 5. What is the time frame for your project and how can you share it's progress/completion at a future STEW?

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* 6. Project Location: Does your STEW project directly benefit Downtown Ensley?