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Individuals who sign the pledge will get access to exclusive publications (like our 101 Acts of Neighboring Ideas) and a pledge certificate suitable for signing and framing! You will also be among the first to know about upcoming events and be linked to future exclusive opportunities.

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* 1. I pledge to build connections with neighbors intentionally, apply my leadership skills in my neighborhood, and grow my social capital through neighborhood relationships. I will become an engaged neighbor by pursuing these “Engaged Neighbor” principles. The acronym we use is REACH.

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* 2. Principle #1: Relationship (Connect and stay connected.)
  • Learn and use my neighbor's names.
  • Learn the gifts and talents of my neighbors.
  • Invite neighbors into my daily routine with a plus-one approach.
  • Practice hospitality (eat) with my neighbors.

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* 3. Principle #2: Empathy (Understand the feelings of another.)
  • Listen first and talk second.
  • Be motivated by love, kindness, and mutual respect.
  • Share honestly about myself and my family.
  • Pursue reconciliation, offer forgiveness, and give my neighbors the benefit of the doubt.

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* 4. Principle #3: Action (Achieve mutual trust by doing).
  • Focus on what is strong, not what is wrong.
  • Invest my time and talent in a homeowners or neighborhood association.
  • Help set neighborhood priorities and pursue the common good.
  • Express gratitude with spontaneous kind deeds.

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* 5. Principle #4: Courage (Strength to withstand fear or difficulty)
  • Discard a lifestyle of busyness in favor of being available.
  • Do more front yard living for conversations and service.
  • Include neighbors who are overlooked, marginalized, disabled, widowed or lonely.
  • Follow local etiquette to create a culture of trust.

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* 6. Principle #5: Humility (Have a modest estimate of your own importance; be open to continual improvement)
  • Celebrate neighboring holidays.
  • Be a continual learner about neighboring.
  • Do not turn my neighbor into a “project” or gossip about them.
  • Celebrate what it means to be an engaged neighbor.

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* 7. Help us reach our goal of 10,000 signers of this pledge by completing this contact information for follow-up and communication and access to some exclusive publications. We will also add you to the emailed Engaged Neighbor newsletter produced monthly by University of Missouri Extension. NOTE: If you fill in gibberish your response, including email, will be deleted.

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* 8. We are interested to know: what is your goal or plan to start to implementing these principles?

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