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* 1. What is your Full Name? (first and last)

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* 2. What School do you Attend? (full school name)

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* 3. What is your Role?

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* 5. Who were the Speaker(s) in the Session? What was their Job and/or Role in the Program?

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* 6. Summarize (1) thing that your found INTERESTING after watching today's session? (something that was fun or kept your interest, intrigue, and/or attention)

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* 7. Summarize (1) thing you LEARNED after watching today's session? (new vocabulary, concept, skill career, fact, etc.)

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* 8. If you could further INVESTIGATE a topic after this session, what would you research? 

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* 9. What is the best way to contact you with any questions on your response? List Email Address or Phone Number