The Global Water Research Coalition (GWRC) held a workshop on “Emerging Contaminants and Pathogens” in Karlsruhe, Germany in June 2015. An objective of that workshop was to identify and highlight research needs regarding emerging water quality contaminants. While numerous specific issues were identified, it was broadly acknowledged that the ability for water utilities to do so is hindered by the lack of the clear framework for prioritisation. Such a framework would assist utilities in identifying appropriate criteria for prioritisation, techniques for ‘weighting’ of balancing those criteria, techniques for assessing options against the criteria and techniques for drawing conclusions on research prioritisation. The availability of such a framework was considered to have a number of potential advantages. These included:
  • An improved basis for research priority decision making.
  • Improved decision making justification to stakeholders (including the community).
  • Informed policy making.
The objective of this project is to develop a transparent and efficient decision making framework to be used in making and communicating decisions around the prioritisation of research efforts on emerging water contaminants.

This survey
This survey has been developed as an initial means of gathering information regarding current practice and further industry needs. Following the survey, a summary report will be prepared as a ‘discussion paper’ (May 2017). This discussion paper will be circulated among GWRC members for feedback. A final report will present a finalised decision-making framework (October 2017).

Question Title

* 1. Please provide contact details for any follow-up to this survey (all details will remain confidential)

Question Title

* 3. How significant are the following activities among the services provided by your organisation?

  This is a major activity of my organisation This is a minor activity of my organisation This service not provided by my organisation
Drinking water catchment management
Drinking water treatment
Drinking water distribution
Wastewater source control
Wastewater treatment
Wastewater discharge
Urban stormwater source control/catchment management
Urban stormwater treatment
Urban stormwater reuse
Reclaimed water non-potable reuse
Reclaimed water potable reuse
Water quality research
Water quality regulation
Water quality analysis
Environmental impact assessment related to water contaminants
Health risk assessment related to water contaminants

Question Title

* 4. Select which statement best describes your current practice regarding prioritisation frameworks for emerging contaminants research.

Question Title

* 5. Assuming you are responsible for prioritising research on emerging water contaminants, how would you rate the importance of each of the following criteria?

  Very important Moderately important Relatively unimportant Not important at all
Whether there is evidence for widespread public concern
Whether there is evidence for emerging public concern
Whether there is evidence of interest from regulatory organisations
Whether the contaminant is a (known or suspected) human carcinogen
Whether the contaminant is a (known or suspected) endrocrine disruptor
Whether the contaminant is (known or suspected) to cause acute health risks
Whether the contaminant is (known or suspected) to cause chronic health risks
Whether there is a lack of available information regarding health risks
Whether the contaminant is (known or suspected) to be produced during drinking water treatment
Whether the contaminant is (known or suspected) to be produced during wastewater treatment
Whether the contaminant appears to be difficult to manage by existing/conventional treatment processes
Whether there is a lack of information regarding removal by existing/conventional treatment processes
Whether customers have indicated that the contaminant should be prioritised
Whether other organisations are prioritising research for this contaminant
Whether other organisations have indicated a need for research on this contaminant
Whether this contaminant is believed to present (somewhat) unique challenges to my organisation
Whether the contaminant has been confirmed to be present (occasionally or consistently) in water my organisation supplies or discharges.
Whether existing analytical techniques are available with suitable limits of detection
Whether the contaminant has been regulated by a relevant regulatory agency to my organisation
Whether there is a perception or belief that the contaminant may be regulated (or regulations tightened) in the future

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* 6. Please indicate any other criteria, which may be important and were not effectively described in the previous question

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* 7. Does your organisation apply a process for screening chemicals of concern based on expected environmental fate? If so, please describe the basic concepts and/or intrinsic parameters (Kow, water solubility, molecular charge, etc….) that are used.

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* 8. In addition to the answer provided in Question 4, are you aware of any existing frameworks for emerging contaminant research prioritisation? If so, please provide details.

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* 9. Are you aware of any other current or previous research on the prioritisation of emerging contaminant needs?

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* 10. Can you propose a suitable methodology (in general terms) that could be adopted for the prioritisation of emerging contaminant research needs?

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* 11. How important or useful do you consider it will be to develop a broadly available framework for prioritisation of emerging contaminant research needs?

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* 12. How interested do you think you (or other members of your organisation) will be to use a prioritisation framework that might be developed from this research project?

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* 13. Describe any particular features of a research prioritisation framework that would be important to you or your organisation

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* 14. A discussion paper will be produced on the development of an emerging contaminant research prioritisation decision making framework. Please enter any email addresses that you would like to be included on communications regarding the availability of that discussion paper when it becomes available in May 2017.

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* 15. Please provide any further information that you consider to be important or useful.

Thank you very much for the time that you have taken to complete this survey!