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In an effort to better understand how we might be able to support our arts educators across the city, we are asking a few questions in order to prepare for a gathering where we you can share challenges, successes and learn more about what is happening across the field in a safe and supportive community. This information is only for reference with Arts Ed Newark staff and will not be shared publicly or with your school.

Question Title

* 1. Please share the following information to help us understand who you are, who you serve, and where you do your work.

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* 2. What grades do you serve? Please check all the apply.

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* 3. What art forms do you teach in your current role?

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* 4. Please rate your satisfaction with the following.

  Very dissatisfied Dissatisfied Neutral Satisfied Very satisfied N/A
What is your level of satisfaction with your organization’s/ school’s transition to in-person learning?
What is your level of satisfaction in feeling safe with in-person learning?

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* 5. How can Arts Ed Newark best support you as an arts educator? 

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* 6. Would you participate in a professional learning community focused on systems of support for arts educators, including self-care and solution building?

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* 7. Please select presentation topics/ events that interest you from the list below. Check all that apply.

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* 8. Please share any other topics that you would expect/ want this group to present.

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* 9. Is there anything else AEN should know about your needs as an educator?

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