Please find the list of available EdX courses here. Complete the following survey to submit your interest in pursuing EdX!
Please note Game Plan will not reimburse for the completion of courses in the subjects of “Business & Management”, “Finance & Economics”, and “Data Analysis & Statistics” or any courses offered from Microsoft.
Vous trouverez la liste des cours EdX offerts ici. Remplissez le sondage ci-dessous pour manifester votre intérêt envers EdX!
Veuillez noter que Plan de match ne rembourse pas les cours se trouvant sous les rubriques Business & Management (Gestion et Affaires), Finance & Economics (Économie et Finance) et Data Analysis & Statistics (Statistiques et analyse de données) ou tout cours offert par Microsoft.

Question Title

* 1. Please select a language/Veuillez choisir une langue.

Question Title

* 2. What is the name of the course? (copy paste from EdX web page)

Question Title

* 3. In 100 words, please describe how you'd benefit from this course.

Question Title

* 4. When are you planning to finish the course?

Question Title

* 5. What is your first name?

Question Title

* 6. What is your last name?

Question Title

* 7. What is/was your sport?

Question Title

* 8. What is your email?

Thank you for your interest in the EdX! Your inquiry is being processed by the Game Plan Team. Please note Game Plan will not reimburse for the completion of courses in the subjects of “Business & Management”, “Finance & Economics”, and “Data Analysis & Statistics” or any courses offered from Microsoft. If you are interested in business-related courses please view our page on the Smith School of Business.