Thank you for taking the time to provide input into the focus and structure of the newly launched Educator Workforce Investment Grant (EWIG). We appreciate your thoughts as we launch this exciting statewide professional learning initiative within California's Statewide System of Support.

Over the next year, we will be expanding Level 1 resources that are available through the System of Support for all schools and districts. The purpose of Level 1 supports are to provide training, resources, tools, and technical assistance aimed at improving student performance and closing achievement gaps in opportunity, access, and achievement between student groups.

The Educator Workforce Investment Grant (EWIG) is a competitive grant program that provides funding through the 2022-23 school year to eligible grantees. The aim of the program is to organize and offer high-quality professional learning opportunities for teachers and paraeducators across the state in the following areas:
  • Computer Science;
  • Positive school climate, including social-emotional learning, and restorative justice;
  • English Learner Roadmap,
  • Special Education; and
  • Ethnic Studies

Please note, the Ethnic studies stakeholder input will be determined pending the Instructional Quality Commission Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum recommended timeline.  

By completing this survey, your input on the content and structure will help design the EWIG program. Please feel free to forward this link to any colleagues who may be interested.

Question Title

* 1. I am currently a:

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* 2. I am primarily engaged with the following grade bands:

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* 3. I am interested in providing my input as a potential/future:

Question Title


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* 4. What Geographic Area(s) are you/your organization based in? Select all that apply.