As you may know, WSNA has filed an Association Grievance which covers Per Diem nurses and, among other issues, the question of scheduling. We understand the nurses in Home Health and Hospice, and most other areas of the hospital, are given choices of dates in a month that are based on holes in the schedule – after those with FTEs have been placed on the schedule.  Negotiations for your Collective Bargaining Agreement are underway and the issues of Per Diems are on the table again.

Please complete the following ten (10) questions to assist our work for this grievance and to help at the negotiation table. We would appreciate your response within the next few days, if possible.

Question Title

* 1. Per Diem is a Latin term that means “by the day.” Which of the following refers to your expectation as a Per Diem nurse?

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* 2. How many hours do you usually make yourself available to work each month?

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* 3. I don’t always sign up for the (2) weekend shifts:

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* 4. When do you receive your assignment? 

Question Title

* 5. If you receive your assignment the night before or earlier, how often does your  assignment change in the morning?

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* 6. How often have you been called in to work for sick call?

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* 7. How often do you take on the assignment for a co-worker on vacation or leave?

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* 8. How often have you been low censused?  (Keeping in mind Per Diem are to be LC first)

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* 9. How often have you been asked to case manage a case load?

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* 10. How often have you been asked to do Admits?