The goal of this exercise is to identify the obstacles and opportunities that EU firms face in Uganda to better prepare the EU support programs.  Replies are confidential and will only be analyzed by the European Commission under the Trade and Private Sector Development Facility. Only limited EU staff will have access to this data under the Data Protection Law. Data will only be presented in aggregated form (i.e. all data compiled) so firms cannot be identified. The TPSDE Facility, in charge of this survey, is an advisory service of the European Commission managed by the Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development (DEVCO).

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1. Introduction

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3. What it is your relation with Europe?

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4. How long have you been operating in Uganda?

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6. How do you describe your social impact in Uganda?

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7. What it is your status in relation to trade?

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8. How important is the Ugandan market for your company?

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9. In the next 5-10 years, how do you perceive the Ugandan market for your company?

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10. In terms of access to finance (both working capital and capital investments) what are your two main sources of capital

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11. Please state the barriers you face when doing business / invest in Uganda and their impact in your firm.

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12. Please state the concrete actions to be addressed to resolve the barriers mentioned above

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13. What can the EU concretely do to facilitate / increase your investment in Uganda?

Thank you for completing the survey. Just click "Done" below to submit your replies.
Your input will help to identify the private sector needs; better tailor the public-private dialogue; and shape the agenda of the Uganda-Europe Business Forum that will take place in Kampala on 9-10 March.
Further information at: