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* 1. Please check your grade level below:

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* 2. Please mark your school below:

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* 3. Check all classes or subjects which you have used computers this year

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* 4. On average, how much time per day do you spend using a computer at school.

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* 5. Check the response that most accurately describes your level of agreement of the following statement

  Strongly disagree Disagree Agree Strongly agree
Computers make schoolwork easier to do
I prefer to use computers to do school work instead of pencil and paper
Using computers for schoolwork can also have disadvantages
Computers make schoolwork more fun/interesting
Computers help me improve the quality of my schoolwork
Computers help me understand my classes better
I need to learn many new skills to use computers for my schoolwork
There are specific technology skills I need to learn to take the common core assessments online

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* 6. Do you have access to the internet at your home?

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* 7. Select each type of technology you have access to in your home.

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* 8. Tell us about one project you have done in class using technology. This may include: Keynote, iMovie, Presentations, Google Docs, Numbers/Spreadsheets, etc.

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* 9. Tell us what you need to learn in order to produce more technology-based projects and/or complete the new online common core assessments.

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* 10. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about technology use at school?