Thank you for taking part in the ESF Mental Health Matters online program.

Your anonymous evaluation would be greatly appreciated - it will only take a few minutes but means such a lot in our efforts to continuously improve.

Question Title

* 1.
After completing the Mental Health Matters online program, please tell us how confident you feel on a scale of 1 - 5 in response to the following statements - where 1 is not a all confident and 5 is very confident. 

  1 2 3 4 5
I feel confident that I can recognise early signs & symptoms in myself
I feel confident that I can recognise early signs & symptoms in others
I feel confident that I understand how I can support my own wellbeing
I feel confident that I understand self-stigma and how detrimental it can be to recovery
I feel confident that I know how to access mental health support and resources
I feel confident in being able to start an R U OK conversation with someone I am concerned about
I feel confident that participating in this program has provided me with useful life skills

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* 2. Did you complete this program with a partner or significant other?

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* 3. What did you like best about the Mental Health Matters online program?

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* 4. What suggestions for improvement to the program can you offer?

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* 5. We invite you to share any additional feedback or comments.