Thank you for your interest in presenting at the Annual Ending Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence Conference to be hosted in Lexington, Ky.  December 4-6, 2019. The proposal deadline is            June 17, 2019. Only completed proposals will be considered.

If submitting multiple proposals, please complete this form individually for each.

The conference will have approximately 500 registered participants representing advocates from sexual assault, domestic violence, and child advocacy agencies, law enforcement, medical personnel, military, and other community partners who work to address power based violence and to provide services to victims of such.

Completing this form should take about 30 minutes. If you are unable to complete the proposal in a single session, complete what you can and then send additional material/info to  You will need a copy of a resume for each presenter, goals, and a presentation abstract, learning objectives and a detailed outline of your presentation.  

Preference will be given to workshops that address the following focus topics:  sexual assault; domestic violence; child victims; human trafficking; primary prevention; dismantling racism, anti-oppression, & intersectionality;  leadership / management of a non-profit; and/or self care.