Exit ERLC Podcast Survey Question Title * 1. What is your gender? Female Male Question Title * 2. What is your age? 18 to 24 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 to 74 75 or older Question Title * 3. Are you subscribed to the ERLC Podcast? Yes No Question Title * 4. How did you first learn about the ERLC Podcast podcast (select all that apply)? Word of Mouth Search Engine iTunes Social Media Email Update Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. How likely is it that you would recommend the ERLC Podcast to a friend or colleague? Not at all likely Extremely likely 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Question Title * 6. What types of content do you find most helpful on the ERLC Podcast (select all that apply)? News/Current Events ERLC Content (website articles, stories, explainers, etc.) Policy Updates/Court Case Updates from DC Office Hearing from Subject Matter Experts Hearing from ERLC Staff and Leadership Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. What is your preferred length of time for a podcast episode? Less than 15 minutes 15 - 30 minutes 30 - 60 minutes 1-3 hours Question Title * 8. Typically, how many days out of the week do you listen to podcasts? 1 or less 2-4 5-6 7 Question Title * 9. What podcast format do you prefer (select all that apply)? Interview Conversational (co-host style) Educational Single Host (solo podcast) Storytelling Limited Run Series (short, bite-size episodes) Other (please specify) Question Title * 10. What other faith and culture podcasts are you subscribed to? Question Title * 11. Please select any of the other ERLC Podcasts you are subscribed to below (select all that apply). The Digital Public Square Capitol Conversations None of the above Question Title * 12. What do you like about the current ERLC Podcast? Question Title * 13. What would you change about the current ERLC Podcast? Question Title * 14. What's one thing we can do to help you listen more? Question Title * 15. What other feedback do you have that would make our podcast even better? Anything goes. Done