
Evidence-based practice (EBP) is described as a problem-solving framework that facilitates the use of the best available evidence to make decisions about the care of individual patients. Although the use of EBP amongst all health professions is encouraged, we do not yet have a good understanding of naturopath's use of EBP. This study serves to address this need.

If you are a naturopath practicing in New Zealand, we invite you to participate in this brief (10-minute) survey to explore naturopath use, opinion, skills and training in EBP, as well as the barriers and facilitators to EBP use, in order to better understand the factors that may influence a naturopath's uptake of EBP.

Your participation in this study is voluntary and you can withdraw from the study at any time. Your participation and/or withdrawal from this study will have no impact on your relationship with the researchers or their affiliated institutions, now or in the future. You also have the right to ask any questions about the study at any time. So please contact Dr Matthew Leach as per the contact information below if you have any questions or concerns relating to this study.

Please note that all information collected will remain confidential, and that the data obtained will not be used for any other purpose except for this study. Findings from the study may be published in a peer-reviewed journal, disseminated to professional complementary medicine associations, and presented at international conferences and research seminars. A summary of the research findings also will be sent to you on completion of the project, if requested. Your responses will be kept confidential by the researcher and not be identified in the reporting of this research. However, the researcher cannot guarantee the confidentiality or anonymity of material transferred by email or the internet.

This study has been approved by the University of South Australia’s Human Research Ethics Committee. Any ethical concerns relating to the conduct of this study can be addressed to the Executive Officer of the University of SA Human Research Ethics Committee (tel: +61 8 8302 3118; email: humanethics@unisa.edu.au).

If you understand this information and are keen to commence the survey, please click on the 'Next' button below.


Dr Matthew Leach
Senior Research Fellow | Department of Rural Health | University of South Australia
North Terrace, Adelaide, SA, 5000, Australia
Tel: +61 8 8302 2413 | Email: matthew.leach@unisa.edu.au