AGC Houston Education and Professional Development Survey

1.Have you ever taken an AGC Houston education course?
2.If yes, what courses have you taken?
3.If no, what factors prevented you from taking these courses?
4.Why did you take AGC Houston courses in the past?
5.What types of construction education courses are you most interested in?
6.Why are you interested in taking these courses?
7.Thinking about AGC Houston programs which content delivery method do you prefer?
8.Why do you prefer this delivery method?
9.Are you aware that AGC of America offers AGC Edge virtual training in Project Management, Lean, BIM and Construction Supervision Fundamentals?
10.Do you prefer taking courses:
11.What time of year is best for you when taking an AGC Houston class?
12.What is the best day of the week to take courses?
13.What is the perfect length of time for an AGC Houston educational program?