EPC Cross-Examination Request Form Pursuant to the EPC's Rules of Practice and Procedure, anyone with standing in a quasi-judicial decision may ask questions of anyone who testified about that case, including Planning staff, members of the public, and the applicant.The EPC will provide time to submit this form during the hearing after the staff/applicant presentations and public comments. The Chair will decide and announce the amount of time. No forms will be accepted once that time has expired. Please complete the cross-examination form below for each witness you would like to cross examine. If you encounter any technical issues, please email PlanningEPC@cabq.gov. Because cross examination is meant to question witness testimony provided at the hearing, forms submitted before the hearing will not be accepted. The EPC will take a break, and the Chair will review all questions submitted by persons with standing. The Chair shall rule as out of order any improper, irrelevant or unnecessarily long questions. The Chair may restate questions and may require that questions be addressed to the Chair. Question Title * 1. Your First Name Question Title * 2. Your Last Name Question Title * 3. Your Street Address Question Title * 4. State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia (DC) Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Question Title * 5. Zipcode Question Title * 6. Name of Witness Your Question Is Addressed to Question Title * 7. Question #1 for the Witness Named Above Question Title * 8. Question#2 for the Witness Named Above Question Title * 9. Question #3 for the Witness Named Above Question Title * 10. Please select all of the boxes that apply to your standing in this quasi-judicial decision. I am owner of the subject property for this application. I am the applicant. I am an owner of a property within 330 feet of the subject property. I represent a Neighborhood Association within 660 feet of the subject property. I am a person with a personal or pecuniary interest or property right that is more than merely nominal or remote that may be adversely affected by the EPC's decision. If you marked the box above, you must explain your pecuniary interest or property right and how it may be affected below. Question Title * 11. By typing your name below, you are agreeing to the following statement: "I do swear or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that the information provided on this form is true and correct to the best of my knowledge." Submit