The Presbytery of Donegal seeks to affirm and support the vision, passion, and calling of our members, and to encourage the shared pursuit of our Presbytery’s mission through initiatives that are timely, innovative, well-designed, and reflective of Donegal’s guiding principles. To this end, EOM provides support for congregation and presbytery-based mission projects. The following application is designed to aid EOM in learning about and supporting your vision.

Question Title

1. Project Name

Question Title

2. Primary Contact Name

Question Title

3. Congregation (Name & City)

Question Title

4. Primary Phone

Question Title

5. E-mail Address

Question Title

6. Amount of Scholarship Request:

Question Title

7. What is the name and address of the person or church to remit the check?

Question Title

8. This project is intended as (check one):

Question Title

9. Provide a brief description of your project, detailing how it was conceived, its connection to the story God is telling through Scripture, and how it will further the mission of Christ’s Church. If it is an existing project of your congregation that you are seeking a grant to expand, please detail the success you have seen.

Question Title

10. Please detail other specific non-monetary needs that Donegal Presbytery might help to meet (e.g. specific prayer requests, volunteers, equipment, promotion, etc.)

Question Title

11. Please include a planning document for this event, inclusive of a timeline up through the date of the event and detailing how specific needs (promotion, equipment, volunteer coordination, securing/readying of space, transportation, donations, project evaluation, etc.) will be addressed. Please also include a budget for this event detailing all projected income sources and expenses.

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