Register your Expression of Interest

Beyond Epilepsy Youth Conference for 16-26-year-olds, is a two-day event to be held in Newcastle CBD
9-10 September 2023.
Let us know if you are interested in coming along to meet others living with epilepsy, find info on managing your own epilepsy - navigating life at uni or work, techniques to look after your mental health, and share your own experiences living with epilepsy. We’ll throw in some fun activities, great food, and time to get to know others with epilepsy.
Places are limited however we can provide one night's accommodation and meals. Priority will be given to those living or seeing specialists in the Hunter region, however, we encourage all to register interest.

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* 1. Contact Details

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* 3. Date of birth


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* 4. Have you been formally diagnosed with epilepsy

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* 5. Are you a member of Oz Youth Beyond Epilepsy Facebook Group

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* 6. There is an option for Day Attendance or Overnight Attendance, please indicate your preference 

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* 7. This is an expression of interest only not a registration for the event. An Epilepsy Nurse will call you to take more details and answer your questions. Please indicate the best time to make contact

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* 8. For more information call 1300 374537 or email 
or write your questions below