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Friendship of Women, Inc. is working on designing a new shelter. Your feedback will help us improve our services and create a more welcoming and accessible space. Please answer the following questions based on your stay at the shelter. There are no right or wrong answers. We will not ask you for your name and your responses are confidential and anonymous. Thank you for your help.

Question Title

* 1. How long did you stay at Friendship of Women's shelter?

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* 2. How many people stayed with you? How old were they at the time?

  N/A 0-6 years old 7-12 years old 13-17 years old 18 years old or older
0 (only I  stayed)
1-3 people
4-6 people
7+ people

Question Title

* 3. Thinking about the physical space at the shelter, what could have helped you feel safer?

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* 4. Thinking about the physical space at the shelter, what would have helped you (and/or your children) feel more comfortable in the bedroom? (for example, bigger beds, individual rooms, etc.

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* 5. Thinking about the physical space at the shelter, what could have helped make parenting your young children easier?

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* 6. What would you have like to see provided or made available to you and your family at the shelter?

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* 7. During your stay at the shelter, what was the biggest challenge you faced with the physical space at the shelter?

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* 8. During your stay at the shelter, what was the biggest help for you (and/or your children)?

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* 9. Please identify the following according to your level of importance.

  Not at all important Slightly important Neutral Very important Extremely important
A private space for adults
A private space for parents
A private space for young children
A private space for teenagers
A private space for a nursery
A space for parent-child bonding
A space for meeting with my counselor or case worker (other than their office)
A kitchen that I can access with my kids to prepare family meals
An outdoor garden or other calming area
An outdoor playground

Question Title

* 10. Please identify the following according to your level of agreement.

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neither agree or disagree Agree Strongly agree
The bedrooms were welcoming and comfortable
The location of the shelter helped me feel safe
There was space for me to spend time with my children as a family
It would be best to have private family rooms instead of room-sharing
The rooms and physical spaces reflected me and my identity

Question Title

* 11. Please feel free to share any additional comments or feedback that can help us design a new shelter.

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