This survey is operated by S23M. The survey data will be reviewed by volunteers from the autistic community and other minority groups, and results will be made available via the Autistic Collaboration Trust. This survey recognises the special partnership that the Crown has with Māori under the agreed principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Many thanks for your participation.

Notes on the safety of sharing private information on culture, disability, gender diversity or neurodivergence:

The survey is entirely anonymous. No personally identifiable information is captured at any stage in the process. No fine-grained social categories are used that might enable de-anonymisation. The anonymous individual survey responses are deleted once a survey run on behalf of an enrolled employer has closed.
Only the trustees of the Autistic Collaboration Trust (all of whom openly identify as autistic and are acutely aware of the need for full anonymity in order for participants to feel safe) have any access to the anonymous individual survey responses. The survey has been co-designed with members from the autistic community and other marginalised groups, and it then has been further refined via consultation with the employees from our subscribers.
3. As the operator of the survey S23M also honours the Maori Data Sovereignty Charter

Question Title

* 1. Employer

Question Title

* 2. Your relationship with the organisation

Question Title

* 3. Your professional role within the healthcare sector

Dimensions of psychological safety within your organisation
In this section 'customer' refers to external people or organisations that your organisation serves and 'supplier' refers to external people or organisations that your organisation relies on to deliver its services or products

Question Title

* 4. Be your authentic self
Effects of fear: unhappiness, social friction
Indicators of a lack of fear: trusted relationships

  Never Sometimes Often Always N/A
Are you afraid to be yourself amongst your peers?
Are you afraid to be yourself amongst your superiors?
Are you afraid to be yourself amongst customers?
Are you afraid to be yourself amongst suppliers?

Question Title

* 5. Take risks
Effects of fear: inability to learn
Indicators of a lack of fear: freedom to explore new approaches

  Never Sometimes Often Always N/A
Are you afraid to take risks and openly discuss risks with your peers?
Are you afraid to take risks and openly discuss risks with your superiors?
Are you afraid to take risks and openly discuss risks with customers?
Are you afraid to take risks and openly discuss risks with suppliers?

Question Title

* 6. Make mistakes
Effects of fear: oversimplified perspectives on reality, misrepresentation of results
Indicators of a lack of fear: freedom to learn about the limits of applicability of established approaches

  Never Sometimes Often Always N/A
Are you afraid to make mistakes and share lessons with your peers?
Are you afraid to make mistakes and share lessons with your superiors?
Are you afraid to make mistakes and share lessons with customers?
Are you afraid to make mistakes and share lessons with suppliers?

Question Title

* 7. Raise problems
Effects of fear: recurring and cascading problems
Indicators of a lack of fear: encouragement to investigate root causes of problems

  Never Sometimes Often Always N/A
Are you afraid to raise problems amongst your peers?
Are you afraid to raise problems amongst your superiors?
Are you afraid to raise problems amongst customers?
Are you afraid to raise problems amongst suppliers?

Question Title

* 8. Ask questions
Effects of fear: spurious complexity
Indicators of a lack of fear: encouragement to minimise spurious complexity

  Never Sometimes Often Always N/A
Are you afraid to ask questions amongst your peers?
Are you afraid to ask questions amongst your superiors?
Are you afraid to ask questions amongst customers?
Are you afraid to ask questions amongst suppliers?

Question Title

* 9. Disagree
Effects of fear: social groupthink and resulting recurring or cascading problems
Indicators of a lack of fear: appreciation of creativity

  Never Sometimes Often Always N/A
Are you afraid to disagree with your peers?
Are you afraid to disagree with your superiors?
Are you afraid to disagree with customers?
Are you afraid to disagree with suppliers?

Question Title

* 10. Avoid sensory overload
Effects of overload: stress, irritability, inability to process information, meltdown, shutdown
Indicators of a lack of overload: ability to hyper-focus, flow

  Never Sometimes Often Always N/A
Are you exposed to overwhelming or distracting conversations, sounds, or noises?
Are you exposed to overwhelming or distracting lights, contrasts, or visual patterns?
Are you exposed to overwhelming or distracting smells or tastes?
Are you exposed to overwhelming or distracting air draughts, hot or cold temperatures, or surface textures?
Are you exposed to overwhelming or distracting constraints (desk/screen that is too small, too little space to move)?

Question Title

* 11. Avoid overload and burnout
Effects of overload: stress, irritability, inability to process information, meltdown, shutdown
Indicators of a lack of overload: ability to hyper-focus, flow

  Never Sometimes Often Always N/A
Are you exposed to overwhelming or distracting messages?
Are you exposed to overwhelming or distracting meetings?
Are you exposed to overwhelming or distracting priorities?
Are you exposed to overwhelming or distracting deadlines?

Question Title

* 12. Social categories you identify with

Question Title

* 13. Please assess the inclusiveness of your workplace

Question Title

* 14. Level of support and appreciation you experience at work
Effects of lacking support and appreciation: stress, frustration, disengagement, isolation, depression
Indicators of a lack of support and appreciation: inability to complete tasks, not knowing who to ask for help, high error rates

  Never Sometimes Often Always N/A
Do you have a good understanding of whether or not you are meeting the expectations of your job?
Do you have access to the resources and tools you need to develop your skills and grow professionally?
Do you understand how decisions are made at the company, especially those that affect your job?
Do you feel lonely at work?

Question Title

* 15. The fears you experience at work are ...

Question Title

* 16. Compared to other employers the organisation offers ...