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* 1. Contact details

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* 2. What rating would you give EMART 2015 (1-10)?

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* 3. What can we change or add to make your experience more beneficial (networking, conference topics, discussions)?

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* 4. Did you meet the right people? Did you miss anyone? (company / company type..)

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* 5. What information source(s) do you use to stay up to date with the event? Website, Linkedin, Newsletters

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* 6. Are you here alone or with colleagues? Who decides how many colleagues get to attend events? Is pricing important for this decision?

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* 7. Please give us a short statement about your experience at EMART Energy 2015

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* 8. Are you interested in attending ETCSEE on 15-16 June in Bucharest?

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* 9. Which city should be host of the event next year?