Things that make you think, "Croup?"

Jennifer McKinsey, MD
Children's Mercy Hospital- Pediatric Urgent Care
Clinical Assistant Professor- Department of Pediatrics
University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine
Clinical Assistant Professor- Department of Pediatrics
University of Kansas School of Medicine

1. Present several cases from our urgent care clinic who presented with stridor but had very different etiologies.
2. Identify the most common causes of acute and chronic stridor in pediatric patients.
3. Explore less common causes of acute and chronic stridor in pediatric patients.
4. Recognize how factors such as the speed of onset of stridor, the age of the patient, and the presence or absence of associated symptoms can help identify the cause of stridor.

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* 7. The following 5 questions are scored for your CME credit:
Stridor is an abnormal, high-pitched sound that can be produced by turbulent airflow through a partially obstructed airway at the level of the:

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* 8. Stridor can be heard during which phase of the respiratory cycle?

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* 9. What type of stridor is more often associated with a “fixed” airway obstruction?

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* 10. In addition to the respiratory tract, stridor may result from abnormalities of which other systems?

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* 11. What is the most common cause of chronic/recurrent stridor in pediatrics?

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