Thank you for your willingness to volunteer in our virtual classrooms. Please answer the following questions so that we may better gauge the level(s) of training required.

Virtual Class Aides will be trained to both moderate discussion and monitor the class participants. You must be willing to mute people, give them tips about virtual etiquette, and work with instructors.

Virtual Class Aides will receive training over the summer. After course registration but before courses begin, we will have a follow up training session.

Once we have reviewed all the responses, we'll finalize the requirements and set up our training schedule. You will be notified via email as soon as the training schedule is available.

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* 1. Have you participated in an Encore Learning virtual event or course on Zoom?

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* 2. Have you participated in one of our Get Acquainted with Zoom classes?

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* 3. Have you been a Class Aide for Encore Learning?

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* 4. Do you agree to participate in training sessions (2-3) to be offered at different times before the Fall Semester commences in September?

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* 5. Do you have experience with facilitating or hosting other online meetings (using Zoom, WebEx, GoToMeeting, Blackboard, MSTeams, etc) ? 

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* 6. Please provide your contact information