Thank you in advance for informing our public policies and providing insight into environmental justice issues within San Bernardino County.
The County is in the process of creating a Countywide Plan, which includes an update of the County’s General Plan and policy direction on environmental justice for unincorporated areas in accordance with state law enacted through SB 1000 (2016).
Local agencies provide services and oversee and regulate substantial lands and infrastructure within the county, while local organizations advocate on behalf of residents and workers and seek to improve conditions, regulations, and the environment. 
In the coming months, the County will prepare and release draft goals and policies regarding environmental justice for public review and comment. It is critical for us to include your input in our due diligence process.  
The following survey requests information on seven topics based on your knowledge, expertise, and area of coverage. State law requires that all communities assess at least seven environmental justice issues within their general plans (see below). In addition, health care infrastructure has been added as an environmental justice issue due to health needs and countywide shortage of health care professionals and facilities. 
1. pollution exposure (including air quality)
2. public facilities (see note below)
3. food access
4. safe and sanitary housing
5. physical activity
6. health care
7. civil engagement
8. prioritizing improvements and programs in disadvantaged communities
Note: Public facilities are public improvements, public services, and community amenities, as defined in subdivision (d) of Section 66000 of the Cal Gov Code.