
Thank you for taking our questionnaire!
- We hope to hear from a broad range of Eugeneans!
- Informational links are embedded in the questionnaire for reference.
- Optional; if you want more background details, see the "dive deeper" links.
- The questionnaire takes about 15 minutes.

Help us decide!
Envision Eugene is our collective vision for how we will grow over the next 20 years while preserving what we love about our community. Eugene is expected to add about 15,100 new homes in 20 years. Our five years of work shows we have room across Eugene for most of these homes, we just need to find space for about 1,600 remaining homes. We all care about our neighborhoods and long-term livability. So we need your feedback on the options for accommodating these remaining homes. This questionnaire along with other input received will help inform City Council’s decision in the fall on which housing strategies to adopt.
* Video overview of Multi-family Housing Options (3+ minutes)

If you’d rather talk to us in person, see the schedule of events we'll be at on the Get Involved! webpage or contact us at EnvisionEugene@ci.eugene.or.us to request a meeting.

If you would like to dive deeper:
* Video overview of Adopting Eugene's UGB (2 minutes)
* Summary of the housing numbers- housing need infographic sheet.
* More details- Multi-family Housing Options webpage
*Envision Eugene overview and project timeline

Question Title

* 1. To help us know if we are reaching a broad range of Eugeneans, please tell us when you learned about Envision Eugene? (check all that are applicable)

17% of survey complete.