Informed Consent: Cohort 2 2018-19

You are invited to participate in the Educators Equity in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (EESTEM) Academy Phase II study and evaluation. This project is being conducted by The National Alliance for partnerships in Equity (NAPE) and funded through the National Science Foundation (NSF) Advanced Technician Education (ATE) Program (DUE 1601548). We hope to learn the impact of the Educators Equity in STEM II Academy (the Academy) on your teaching practices and the role that organizational-level features (i.e. college, department, and program levels) can play in determining implementation success. You are a participant in cohort 2 of the Academy in the 2018-19 academic year.  

Any information that is obtained in connection with this project and that can be identified with you will remain anonymous and will be disclosed only with your permission. This project has been approved by the Stark State College Institutional Review Board (IRB). If you have any questions about Stark State College’s rules for research, please contact Teri Thomas, the IRB chair at 

While you participate in the Academy, you will be asked to complete pre- and post-Academy surveys.  You may also be asked to participate in a one-on-one interview and/or a focus group.     

Your decision to participate in the project study and evaluation is completely voluntary.  You are not required to participate, and declining to participate in no way jeopardizes your standing in the Academy.  All responses to surveys, interviews, and focus groups will be kept confidential. 

In this project, there are no known economic, legal, physical, psychological, or social risks to participants in either immediate or long-range outcomes.  You may withdraw your consent and discontinue your participation in the project study and evaluation at any time. 

If you have any questions or concerns about the nature of the project study and evaluation, please contact Ben Williams, PhD, Vice President of Programs at the National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity at or 717-407-5118.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Question Title

* 1. Please select one of the following