
The Draft Subarea Plan includes a proposed vision based on community and stakeholder input.

In 2040, the Eastside Center is vibrant and active, with commercial, residential and institutional uses, and development design and intensity that supports walkable streets. 

Key elements of the vision include:

•  A range of commercial uses and diverse housing types.

• Pedestrian friendly streets and development along streets.

• A mix of existing uses with new development ensures that growth in the center has been inclusive.

• Use of the area’s expansive territorial views and framing of Madrona Trails Park on the east, marine views of Port Washington Narrows on the south, and a newly improved multimodal SR 303 on the west.

The Draft Plan also includes guiding principles:

• Economic Vibrancy
• Livability, Health, and Mixed Uses
• Connectivity
• Environmental Stewardship
• Coordinated Planning
• Transition over Time

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* 1. What do you like about the Vision and Guiding Principles?

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* 2. What should we change about the Vision and Guiding Principles?

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* 3. What are we missing?

Residential Focus Alternative
The Residential Focus Alternative recognizes market conditions are favorable for high density residential development for all ages and income levels. Higher density residential uses would be located to the north, east, and west sides of the Study Area taking advantage of topography, open space amenities, and water views.

Mixed use waterfront restaurant and retail destinations support residents and visitors. Flexible multi-use designations would offer professional office, commercial, or residential development opportunities in the core.

Mid-block connections, boulevard treatments, and pedestrian oriented street fronts create a walkable community. New park spaces offer community gathering opportunities. This alternative supports the most, new residential dwellings, replacing current employment areas such as the hospital.

This alternative adopts a Subarea Plan and a Planned Action Ordinance to guide growth and facilitate environmental review.

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Residential Focus Land Use Pattern

<strong>Residential Focus Land Use Pattern</strong>

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Residential Focus Urban Design

<strong>Residential Focus Urban Design</strong>

Question Title

* 4. What are the “Pros” or benefits/opportunities with the Residential Focus alternative?

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* 5. What are the “Cons” or concerns with the Residential Focus alternative?

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* 6. What would you change to improve the Residential Focus alternative?

Employment Focus Alternative

The Employment Focus Alternative creates a new mix of businesses in corporate campus and multi-use settings, replacing current jobs and adding more jobs. The alternative also adds more housing in higher density formats.

Investments would be made in roads including new streets and a potential roundabout. Parks would be improved and added.

The Employment Focus Alternative would adopt a Subarea Plan to guide future development and adopt a Planned Action Ordinance to help facilitate environmental review of new development and redevelopment

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Employment Focus Land Use Pattern

<strong>Employment Focus Land Use Pattern</strong>

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Employment Focus Urban Design

<strong>Employment Focus Urban Design</strong>

Question Title

* 7. What are the “Pros” or benefits/opportunities with the Employment Focus alternative?

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* 8. What are the “Cons” or concerns with the Employment Focus alternative?

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* 9. What would you change to improve the Employment Focus alternative?

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* 10. What is your ideal Preferred Alternative for the EEC? (Vision, Land Use, Investments, etc.)

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* 11. What else would you like to share with us?

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* 12. If you would like to be notified of future events with the EEC Planning effort, please provide your contact information below. (optional)