Member Survey

Thank you for sharing your concerns and experiences with STLHE through this member survey—one of three possible ways to let us know your thoughts. You can also be in touch with us via the "Share Your Story” page or by taking part in a small focus group. You can participate in any one or all of these options.

"Share Your Story" 

Focus Group 

Click on any of the above links now if you would like to participate in "Share Your Story" or a focus group instead of completing this survey. Otherwise, you will be provided with these webpage links again at the end of this survey.

This survey should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your responses are completely anonymous. You can skip any question you would like and exit at any time by clicking the 'EXIT' button in the upper-right corner.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Bre-Anna Owusu at

Question Title

* 1. Please rate how often you experience each of the following statements as a member of STLHE and at STLHE events

  Never Seldom/Rarely Sometimes Often Always N/A
I feel close to other members of STLHE
I feel free to express myself at STLHE events
I feel a sense of belonging at STLHE events
I feel safe at STLHE events
I feel other STLHE members treat me fairly at STLHE events
I am happy to be part of STLHE
I know where to get help if I feel harmed (verbally, emotionally, physically, spiritually) at a STLHE event
I feel like STLHE would support me if I felt harmed (verbally, emotionally, physically, spiritually) at a STLHE event

Question Title

* 2. If there are any suggestions you would like to make regarding things STLHE can do to support your health and well-being, please use the space below.

Question Title

* 3. Rate how you would describe your direct experience in STLHE using the following statements.

My experience is....

Question Title

* 4. My experience is....

Question Title

* 5. I would describe STLHE as....

Question Title

* 6. STLHE is....

Question Title

* 7. I feel....

Question Title

* 8. STLHE is....

Question Title

* 9. STLHE is....

Question Title

* 10. I feel....

Question Title

* 11. Please indicate your level of agreement with the following statements.

I feel that I have enough information about the supports, programs, and services of STLHE

Question Title

* 12. STLHE has a strong commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion

Question Title

* 13. I feel valued as an individual within STLHE

Question Title

* 14. There is diversity in the leadership of STLHE.

Question Title

* 15. I have considered leaving STLHE because I feel isolated and/or unwelcome

Question Title

* 16. I feel others don’t value my viewpoints and/or experiences within STLHE

Question Title

* 17. The annual conference reflects diversity in the organization

Question Title

* 18. STLHE provides education and programming around equity, diversity, and inclusion

Question Title

* 19. I feel that I have equal opportunities to be involved in STLHE

Question Title

* 20. I have found communities or groups within STLHE where I feel I belong

Question Title

* 21. STLHE places too much emphasis on equity, diversity, and inclusion

Question Title

* 22. STLHE has adequate programs and resources to support a diverse membership

Question Title

* 23. I have to work harder to be equally valued or respected at STLHE

Question Title

* 24. My experience at STLHE has positively contributed to my professional growth

Question Title

* 25. How do you define diversity? What do you think of diversity within STLHE?

Question Title

* 26. How would you define equity? What do you think of equity within STLHE?

Question Title

* 27. How do you define inclusion? What do you think of inclusion within STLHE?

Question Title

* 28. Recommendations

To assist the Task Force in developing recommendations for fostering a more inclusive, diverse and equitable organization, please respond to the following:

STLHE should START doing:  

Question Title

* 29. STLHE should STOP doing:

Question Title

* 30. STLHE should CONTINUE doing:

Question Title

* 31. Demographic Questions (Please skip any questions that you prefer not to answer)

Indigenous Identity 

Do you identify as Indigenous?

Question Title

* 32. Racial and Ethnic Ancestry

Do you identify as a member of a racialized group?

(The term racialized is more appropriate than and preferred as a replacement to the term “visible minority”, which is defined by the government of Canada in the Employment Equity Act as persons, other than Indigenous peoples, who do not identify as Caucasian, European, and/or White in race, ethnicity, origin, and/or colour, regardless of birthplace or citizenship.)

Question Title

* 33. How do you identify racially and/or ethnically?

Question Title

* 34. Dis/ability

Do you identify as a person with a disability or as requiring accommodations?

(A disability may be physical, mental health-related, psychiatric, developmental, sensory, learning-related, chronic illness / pain, addiction-related and/or life-threatening allergies or chemical sensitivities. It may have emerged at birth, as the result of accident / trauma, or it may be episodic. Disabilities may be permanent or temporary and may exist as a result of self-perception, perception of others, environmental barriers, negative attitudes, or any combination of these factors, leading to experiences of unequal opportunity to accessing environments and services)

Question Title

* 35. Gender

How do you identify?

Question Title

* 36. Sexual orientation 

How do you identify?

Question Title

* 37. Membership

What STLHE Membership type do you hold?

Question Title

* 38. How long have you been a member of STLHE

Question Title

* 39. Which Province/Territory/Nation are you in?

Question Title

* 40. What is(are) your institutional role(s) (e.g. undergraduate or graduate student, faculty, Administrator, educational developer, etc.)? You may list all that apply.

Question Title

* 41. Are you a member of other academic or professional associations or societies?

Question Title

* 42. What is your field or discipline?

Question Title

* 44. With what type of institution are you affiliated?

Question Title

* 45. Language  

Which of Canada’s national languages do you communicate in?

Question Title

* 46. Other Comments

Please provide any additional information, comments, questions and/or resources that you wish to share with the Task Force.