Women in Retail Leadership Circle (WIRLC) wants your input on who should be named to its ninth annual Top Women in Retail list! This annual feature highlights the leading female executives in the retail industry. 

Nominees should be in a C-suite or executive leadership position, and have helped propel their business forward. They will be evaluated on several factors, including position within a retail organization, scope of responsibility within that position, career achievements, and involvement within the retail industry. 

In addition to providing the nominee's information, tell us why you think she deserves to be recognized as a Top Woman in Retail. 

We appreciate your consideration, and look forward to honoring the 2019 Top Women in Retail!

Question Title

* 1. Who is your nominee?

Question Title

* 2. Briefly tell us why you are nominating this person.

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* 3. Tell us about yourself (nominator).