ED-ACT:  Gaps and Priorities Survey

In late spring of 2016, a consortium of stakeholders was formed, including eating disorder treatment specialists, counsellors, and health care providers; AHS administration; community organizations dedicated to eating disorders; and those with a lived experience &/or family members of someone with an eating disorder. ED-ACT is committed to addressing gaps in the continuum of care, through advocacy, sharing education and treatment resources, and strengthening the support network for people and families affected by eating disorders in the Calgary area. We are wanting to hear from people with eating disorders, their loved ones, professionals working with people with eating disorders, and administrators, about what you see as the most pressing gaps and priorities. This short survey should take about 10 minutes to complete. Responses are completely anonymous. 
Thank you for your help!

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* 1. Please indicate which of the following you perceive to be gaps in Calgary and surrounding area that require attention:

  Not a gap/requires no improvement Somewhat of a gap/could use some improvement Serious gap/requires improvement Not sure whether this is a gap or not
Awareness and understanding about eating disorders amongst physicians
Awareness and understanding about eating disorders amongst health/mental health care professionals
Public awareness about eating disorders
Accessible information and support at the earliest signs of disordered eating
Easy access to early onset treatment
Access to continued treatment and support for those who have achieved a healthy weight but still struggle with emotional aspects of eating
Intensive community based services (for example residential treatment or community based day treatment)
Guidance navigating through systems and services for those with eating disorders and their loved ones
Affordable access to specialized dieticians and mental health therapists
Access to acute care beds
Services for binge eating disorder
Community based meal support (to give family members a break)
Specialized support groups for males, teens, and different age groups
Collaboration between public (AHS) and private (fee for service) providers of care
Support for family members and loved ones to better understand their role in recovery

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* 2. The following are some of the priorities that have been suggested by individuals with eating disorders, family members, and professionals. While all of the needs may be important, some of these actions may be more manageable and offer more immediate results. Others may take more time and resources to accomplish. Our group is hoping to select two or three goals to focus on over the next 7 months. Please indicate how you would prioritize the following goals, with 1 being top priority, and 8 being the least high priority:

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* 3. Are there other priorities you would suggest that could be accomplished within the next 6 months?

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* 4. Are there other longer term goals, besides those listed in question 2?

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* 5. We would like to know a little bit more about you. Please click on the answer(s) that best describes you.

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* 6. If you are a professional working with individuals with an eating disorder, and/or their loved ones, please indicate your background:

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* 7. I would rate my level of knowledge about eating disorders as: