Welcome to the Learn and Play with Words All Day Training - Evaluation

100% of survey complete.
We hope that you found the Learn and Play with Words All Day" Training both informative and enjoyable. We would be delighted if you would take a few minutes to complete the evaluation.

Once you have completed the evaluation your certificate of participation will be emailed to you by October 6, 2014.

Question Title

* 1. Please provide your registration information below. This information is only used to send you your certificate. It is not collected in conjunction with your responses.

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* 2. The presenters(s) instruction of the content was effective.

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* 3. The presenters(s) knowledge of the content was comprehensive.

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* 4. The content presented in this training was high quality.

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* 5. I will implement strategies, skills, and/or knowledge as a result of this training.

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* 6. What two ways will you use this information to impact your practice?

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* 7. What future training/TA would help you with your next steps for effective implementation?

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* 8. Please share other constructive feedback

a. What worked well for you? (Please be specific)

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* 9. Please share other constructive feedback.

b. What could be improved? (Please be specific)