
Thank you for your interest in Chronic Pain Gains in Alberta: An ECHO Series.

ECHO connects inter-professional specialists with primary care providers from across Alberta.
Each bi-weekly session includes a short didactic session and a case-based discussion.

This Project ECHO series is funded by Health Canada and there is no charge to attend, however, we ask that you actively engage, attend as many ECHO sessions as possible (this registration includes 6 sessions), and complete the pre and post tests and the series evaluation.

To register please complete the following survey. The information gathered in this form will be used for quality improvement. Please do you best to complete as much as the survey as you can. Note: the survey takes between 3 and 5 minutes to complete. 
Have a case you would like to share and get support on? All cases come from attendee submissions, please fill out the case form and email it to to get added to the list!

If you have any questions or troubles with our registration process, please contact us