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* 1. Which part of the food system are you part of? 

(Choose as many as appropriate).

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* 2. Which area do you feel Eat New Zealand should focus on in 2021? 

Based on the below, please rank them in order of priority and importance from 1 - 7  ( 1 = lower priority / less important and 7 = higher priority / most important).

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* 3. If you don't see your priority listed here, let us know what you think it should be for Eat New Zealand moving forward? 

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* 4. Of the Eat New Zealand activities listed below, which have you attended, observed or engaged with over the last year?

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* 5. Of the above activities which do you feel has provided the most value or had the greatest impact? And why do you think that is?

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* 6. How do you feel Eat New Zealand could best support your part of the food system?

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* 7. Enter your details below to go in the draw to WIN $100 worth of New Zealand Cheese OR Vegan Goods via Grater Goods.