2018 EARTH Teacher Workshop - Post-survey

Thank you for joining us for the 2018 EARTH workshop. We are looking forward to a great workshop co-hosted by MBARI (with funding from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation), National Science Foundation Regional Class Research Vessel (RCRV), and the Oregon Coast STEM Hub program.
Please take a few minutes to create a unique identifier that only you will remember. For example, month and date of birth and first initials of your name (e.g. 0828gim).
This unique identifier will allow us to match your pre and post answers while keeping your identity anonymous. We are asking you to complete this survey prior to the beginning of the workshop - by answering these questions and submitting your answers you are agreeing to participate in the survey.

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* 1. Please enter your unique identifier that you have chosen for yourself (keep a copy somewhere). If you wish a specific response then please use your last name so that we can respond as needed. 

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* 2. Is this your first time participating in an EARTH workshop?

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* 3. This year we had one researcher who was able to stay for half the workshop - do you have any suggestions for how to enhance your interactions with them? or with the ones who didn't stay but were available for questions?

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* 4. Recognizing that you would like to have spent more time with the researchers - how would you rate the time that you were able to spend with them?

  Poor Fair Good Very Good Excellent

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* 5. We are always interested to know if you are getting enough time for discussions/lesson plan development - or if the time is at the right time. This year we used all day Thursday - is that enough time?

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* 6. We are always interested to know if you are getting enough Resources and Support

  Not nearly enough could use a little bit more Practically Perfect N/A

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* 7. Rate your content knowledge (1 - I'm a total novice to 7 - I'm an expert) on the following:

  I'm a total novice 2 3 4 5 6 7
National Science Foundation
Research Vessels
Shipboard research
Ocean Acidification
Oxygen minimum zone
Weather vs climate
Ocean currents
Climate change

Question Title

* 8. On a scale of 1 (very poor) to 5 (very good), please rate how confident you feel teaching about:

  Very Poor Poor Fair Good Very Good
accessing real data for science investigations
using real data to develop testable questions
designing an investigation to explore a question with data
conducting a self-designed investigation
creating data visualizations
interpreting data
synthesizing data
presenting results from an investigations to peers

Question Title

* 9. If you have an idea - which activity are you interested in trying out this year in your classroom? Since we do not 'graduate' every one of our activities to the main lesson plan links, it is helpful to find out which ones are more likely to be used in the classroom.

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* 10. Timing of the next EARTH summer workshop depends on schedules of you, researchers, and space at the host institution -  but if you could let me know your preferences for specific dates (e.g. early or late June, July, August), that would be helpful to know as well (and why - e.g. school ends on June 15th or starts on August 1).

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* 11. What aspect of the workshop was most attractive/useful to you? (e.g. interactions with other teachers/scientists; activity development; exposure to data; etc)

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* 12. Do you have any suggestions for how we might improve dissemination of EARTH and your activities? on-line workshops? social networking? meetings? web animations? cable tv?

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* 13. One suggestion that we are interested in getting your feedback on involves the concept of "Master EARTH Teachers" - in other words, would you be willing, interested in becoming a disseminator of EARTH materials/activities at a satellite EARTH workshop? And if so, how can MBARI help you in that effort?

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* 14. I would love to get your input (thinking back to Monday) on the potential usefulness of communication (live video feed, question and answer, skype call, email correspondence, etc) from and with research vessels. I'm particularly interested in the potential benefit (if any) of sending back live video from the deepsea. Any and all comments would be helpful.

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* 15. Please let me know if you have any questions, concerns or suggestions regarding the EARTH program. Or if you no longer want to be contacted by me, please let me know that as well.

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* 16. Please use this space to add anything else that you want - suggestions for improving, aspects that you didn't like, potential hosts that we might contact for future workshops, etc