This EAN Network Survey invites participation from all EAN Members and Public Sector Partners.  

Your answers will be kept confidential and only anonymized results will be shared. However, if you feel comfortable sharing your name at the end of this survey, the EAN core staff would appreciate being able to reach out with questions or to clarify any responses. Entering your name will also qualify you for a drawing for an electric lawn mower or (other electric equipment to replace fossil fueled equipment) of your choice, up to $400 of value.

Question Title

* 1. What sector(s) do you represent? (Please select all that apply)

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* 2. How have you engaged with the Network over the last year? (Please select all that apply)

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* 3. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: EAN's work adds value to our collective efforts in Vermont to achieve our energy and climate commitments?

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* 4. Do you agree or disagree with the statement: EAN's work adds value to my organization and/or field of work?

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* 5. EAN staff sees its core responsibilities as helping to coordinate member and partner activities, providing resources to members and partners, and building deeper connections among Network members and partners.  Do you agree or disagree with the statement:  EAN's staff are effective at coordinating and facilitating the Network.

Question Title

* 6. Please rank the specific ways in which EAN adds value to your organization and/or field of work

  Very Valuable  Somewhat valuable Not very valuable Not at all valuable N/A
Sharing relevant news and updates with the Network
Convening Network members to discuss innovative ideas
Supporting the development of Network priorities
Helping build stronger relationships with other organizations in the Network and/or the broader energy system in Vermont
Providing data on statewide energy and emissions progress
Providing data on local energy and emissions progress
Setting a common framework for total energy work in Vermont