Drug and Alcohol Problems Perception Survey

Wentworth Health (Nepean Blue Mountains PHN) and Lives Lived Well
GP and Pharmacist AOD Consultation and Survey 

Thank you for agreeing to participate in this survey. Please note that information you provide will remain strictly confidential and participation is completely voluntary.
What is in this survey?
The AOD GP and Pharmacist Survey is a short preliminary survey that will take about 5 minutes to complete and will provide us with an overview of the context of AOD work within the GP and Primary Care environment. There is an opportunity at the end of the survey to register your interest in a longer follow up consultation with the project lead Dr Graeme Judson.

Who is collecting this information?
The survey is presented both in a paper based and an online format and the information will be held and used by the NBMPHN and Lives Lived Well Project Team.

Privacy statement
Please be assured that your answers are confidential, and you can refuse to answer any question.  All information provided will be stored for the duration of the project. Once the report is written all data will be disposed of. The survey gives an opportunity for a longer consultation and asks for your contact details if you are interested in further follow up. Apart from this the survey does not collect any personal information, and any personal information collected incidentally through survey return will be removed from that survey response. 

How will the results be used?
Once the survey has been completed, the data will be analysed and a report will be developed. The information gathered through this survey will be used to inform recommendations for the development of a Communities of Practice Framework designed to provide targeted support to people doing AOD work in the GP and Primary Care sector.

Who will be surveyed?
The survey is targeted at GPs and Pharmacists working in the Nepean Blue Mountains region.

Further Information
Dr Graeme Judson MBChB, MHSc, FAChAM (Addiction Medicine Specialist)

Ph:0400 374 259

Question Title

* 1. What type of organisation do you work for?

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* 2. What is your workplace postcode?

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* 3. How much experience have you had in working with drug and alcohol related issues? 

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* 4. What percentage of your time is spent responding to drug and alcohol issues at work?

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* 5. What is your occupation?

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* 6. From the following list of activities, what are your THREE (3) main roles when responding to alcohol and other drug related issues in your workplace?

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* 7. Have you undertaken or enrolled in any education or training where alcohol and/ or drugs are primary focus or substantial part of the course?

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* 8. Short Drug and Alcohol Problems Perception Questionnaire.
The questions in this section are designed to explore the attitudes of staff working with people with drug and/ or alcohol use disorders.  There are no right or wrong answers.  Please indicate the extend to which you agree or disagree with the following statements:

  Strongly agree Quite strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Quite strongly disagree Strongly disagree
I feel I know enough about causes of my drinking/ drug problems to carry out my role when working with people with alcohol and/ or drug issues
I feel I can appropriately advise my patients about drinking/ drugs and its effects
I feel I do not have much to be proud of when working with people with alcohol and/ or drug issues
All in all, I am inclined to feel I am a failure with people with alcohol and/ or drug issues
I want to work with people with alcohol and/ or drug issues
Pessimism is the most realistic attitude to take towards people with alcohol and/ or drug issues
I feel I have the right to ask patients questions about their alcohol and drug use when necessary
I feel that my patients believe I have the right to ask them questions about their drinking and drug use when necessary
In general, it is rewarding to work with people with alcohol and/ or drug issues
In general, I like people with alcohol and/ or drug issues

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* 9. Are you interested in being part of a consultation to determine what is required to better support patients in primary care experiencing problematic substance use?

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* 10. If you are interested in being part of the consultation team, which means of consultation would you prefer? 

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* 11. What is your preferred time of participation?