Downtown Master Plan Public Input Questionaire

The Town of Aberdeen is in the process of creating a Downtown Master Plan and would like your input. Please take a moment to complete the following questionaire. The information that you provide will help determine areas of downtown that need improvements.

Thank you for your time and your interest in contributing to this survey.

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* 1. Are you a resident of Aberdeen?

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* 2. What is the one thing you would most like to see in Aberdeen's Downtown that is currently missing?

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* 3. Please select the choice that best describes the parking in Downtown Aberdeen.

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* 4. What choice best describes your experience crossing the streets in Downtown Aberdeen?

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* 5. How easy is it for you to find your way around Downtown?

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* 6. Please select the choice (s) that best represents how you would describe the typical look of Downtown.

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* 7. Please select the Downtown street corridors that are of the greatest need for improvement.

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* 8. Please rank from 1 - 8 (1 highest priority - 8 lowest priority) the following improvements for Downtown:

  Highest Priority 1 Lowest Priority 8
Sidewalk maintenance
Entertainment venues
Art sculptures
Park space / Open space
Housing opportunities
Street lighting

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* 9. Please select the choice that best expresses your opinion about the Downtown Parks / Open Spaces:

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* 10. Please select the choice that best expresses your opinion about the Downtown Street Trees:

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* 11. Please select the choice that best expresses your opinion about the Downtown Entertainment:

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* 12. Please select the choice that best expresses your opinion about the Downtown Gateways:

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* 13. Please select the choice that best expresses your opinion about the Downtown Dining