Question Title

* 1. Are you new to Dove Academy this school year?

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* 2. Overall, I am satisfied with Dove Academy.

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* 3. I feel my child's academic needs are being met.

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* 4. Teachers do what is needed to ensure my child's success.

Question Title

* 5. I recommend Dove Academy others.

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* 6. I plan to re-enroll my child next year.

Question Title

* 7. My child feels safe while at school.

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* 8. The school's rules and behavioral expectations have been communicated clearly.

Question Title

* 9. I feel my child has benefited from the school's character education program.

Question Title

* 10. The best way for the school to keep me informed is:

Question Title

* 11. Additional Comments:
Please share your thoughts on any topic related to Dove Academy.