Thank you for taking our 5 minute survey for the Resilient Coast program.

This is the second survey undertaken for the program. The survey includes seven check-box questions with opportunity to provide additional information.

If you have any questions about the Resilient Coast program please visit our website or email

Question Title

1. How would you describe your connection to the Douglas Shire coastline?

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2. Of the following regions, where do you spend the most time on the beach/foreshore? Please select one region.

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3. How often do you spend time on the beach / foreshore?

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4. Why do you visit the beach / foreshore? (Please check all that apply)

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5. For your most visited region (from Question 2) – what are the most important values of the beach/foreshore to you? Please rank the following in order of most significance for you (1 is most important).

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6. How would you rate your current awareness of potential adaptation options to mitigate the risk of coastal hazards such as erosion and storm tide inundation in the Douglas Shire region?