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* 1. How much do you care about plastics in the water?

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* 2. How much do you know about the problem of plastics in the water?

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* 3. Check all the following that apply to you:

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* 4. Rate how often you currently do the following:

  Always Sometimes Never
I use reusable water bottles/cups
My family uses reusable bags when shopping
I use reusable straws
I pick up plastic when i see it on the ground

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* 5. Do you care about the future health of our environment?

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* 6. Can you help improve the environment in Stamford?

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* 7. Can you help improve the environment worldwide?

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* 8. Which best describes how you feel about getting outside (check one)

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* 9. If someone throws garbage or when you see garbage on the ground, it bothers you.

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* 10. By collecting a million bottle caps, my schoolmates and I are improving the environment in Stamford.