
The Colorado Center for Nursing Excellence is seeking licensed nurses who are prepared at the BSN level or higher to serve as mentors for diverse* students enrolled in RN programs in Colorado. The purpose of this program is to support career development and to ensure success of degree completion. The Center is fully committed to providing necessary support to all mentors to make this a successful program; thus, the Center has built in a regular program of mentor support in addition to an initial mentor training workshop.

Program Requirements:

1. Mentor agrees to meet the student at least once per month, either in person or using real-time electronic means such as Skype or FaceTime over a one-year period.

2. Mentor agrees to attend a two-day training event to prepare the mentor for this important role.

3. This commitment includes monthly one-hour group coaching session for mentors.

4. If the relationship is not serving its designated purpose for either party, then mentors have the option to report back to the Center for advice, help, and/or to make changes beneficial to both parties.

5. The Center agrees to provide ongoing support, resources, and monthly training for the mentor via group coaching and a mentor support network.

*Diverse Racial and Ethnic groups are defined by HRSA (the source of funding for this program) as: American Indians, including Alaska Natives, Eskimos, and Aleuts; Asian Americans; Native Hawaiians and other Pacific Islanders; Blacks; and Hispanics. Race and ethnicity in the U.S. Census are self-identification data items in which residents choose the race or races with which they most closely identify, and indicate whether or not they are of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity. Race and ethnicity are considered separate and distinct identities, with Hispanic or Latino origin asked as separate questions. Thus in addition to their race or races, all respondents are categorized by membership in one of two ethnicities, which are "Hispanic or Latino" and "Not Hispanic or Latino."
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25% of survey complete.