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Diversity Award

There are 2 categories for this award:
- Organisation or Program
- Individual

Please read the award descriptions below to determine whether your nominee fits the criteria for these awards.

Organisation or Program
This award honours a healthcare organisation or program demonstrating commitment to improving diversity and inclusion. The organisation shows excellence in leadership to foster inclusive and equitable service, innovative approaches to improving programs, or active involvement in initiatives that benefit diverse communities.

This organisation operates with the highest integrity and ethical behaviour to actively improve the patient experience. This award is open to organisations and programs that are having a positive impact on people who experience health inequities, including culturally and linguistically diverse communities, LGBTQIA+ people, and people with disability.

This award is for people working or volunteering in health services (as a health professional, carer, consumer or volunteer) who have shown outstanding commitment to improving diversity and inclusion.

This award is open to people who are having a positive impact on people who experience health inequities, including culturally and linguistically diverse communities, LGBTQIA+ people, and people with disability.

*Nominations that are supported by work colleagues, community members, consumers or carers will be highly regarded
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