Please complete this form- We are excited to learn how we can assist with improving your performance

Question Title

* 1. Your Contact Information

Question Title

* 2. Your Age

Question Title

* 3. Your Marital Status

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* 4. Your Occupation

Question Title

* 5. Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10 in each of the following areas. 1 being, that you have NOT made any progress in this area and 10 being that you are RIGHT where you think you should be by this stage in your life?

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Time Management

Question Title

* 6. Pick 3 of the above categories that you want to change and/or improve.
In the space below, explain what would have to happen in order to take each of these 3 areas to a level “10” experience?

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* 7. What is the PAY OFF for achieving these goals? How is your new life going to be different? What is the upside or the reward for following through on these goals?

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* 8. What beliefs, fears and/or patterns of behaviors have prevented you from already achieving these goals? 

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* 9. What is the COST or the Negative Consequences for not following through? What is your life going to be like if you continue to buy into your excuses, patterns and fears?

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* 10. Why are you a good candidate for our coaching and how do you think you will be able to benefit from a coaching program like this?

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* 11. What type of coaching are you looking for?

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* 12. How did you learn about coaching with Jairek?

Please click "DONE" below to submit your answers.

Note from the SUCCESS team: Congrats on taking the first step towards seeing Rapid Results in your life and business, and THANK YOU for filling out this questionnaire! 

After reviewing your answers, a SUCCESS coach will reach out to set up a day & time for your complimentary discovery coaching session to ensure we match you with the best SUCCESS coach on our team for your current goals and focus. 

Have a fantastic day!

To your success,

Jairek Robbins
President of SUCCESS Enterprises