UCC Disaster Ministries presents:
A Disaster Trauma Retreat for Clergy - "Come Away...Rest Awhile" 
John 6:31

UCC Disaster Ministries will be hosting four clergy retreats throughout areas impacted by Hurricane Florence, 2018. Rev. Dr. Martha R. Jacobs, Coordinator for UCC Disaster Ministries Chaplains, Senior Minister - First Congregational Church in Chappaqua NY, Leadership Team for American Red Cross, Former Chair of the National VOAD Spiritual and Emotional Care Committee, and Professional Chaplain for 25 years will facilitate.

There is no registration fee. Lodging and meals are included. Each retreat location will be limited to 20 participants. You do not need to attend the retreat closest to you.
Please chose from one location (Raleigh, New Bern, Elizabeth City, Wilmington). Each event will begin at 4 p.m. on first day and conclude at 4 p.m. the second day. Meals are included. Spouses and significant others are invited but will be charged for meals. 

Please fill out this survey to get registered.

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* 1. Will you be attending Disaster Trauma Retreat?

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* 2. Your contact info:

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* 3. Do you have any dietary restrictions? (Select all that apply.)

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* 4. Which event will you attend?

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* 5. How would you like to receive additional information about Disaster Trauma Retreat?