Thank you for taking this survey!

This survey is to learn more about your experience as someone who is a direct care worker in Wisconsin. 
As the backbone of long term care in Wisconsin it is important for decision makers to learn about your experiences from you directly.  

InControl Wisconsin is partnering with The Wisconsin Long Term Care Workforce Alliance, Wisconsin Personal Services Association and Survival Coalition on this survey.

We are interested in connecting to Wisconsin paid direct care workers.  
Our organizations advocate on behalf of the workforce and people with disabilities and older adults who need care. 

 Your name and responses to this survey WILL NOT be shared with your employer and all answers are confidential.   These responses will be used to communicate with policymakers in a variety of ways. 

 Please provide your email at the end of this survey to stay in touch about future advocacy opportunities.

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* 1. Please indicate the main type of direct care work you do.

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* 2. What are the main reasons you stay in the direct care workforce position?

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* 3. Which of the following benefits do you have at your direct care job?

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* 4. How likely would you stay in your current position if there were consistent bonuses or pay increases?

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* 5. How do you access health insurance?

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* 6. Have you ever turned down additional hours due to fear you would lose other important public benefits for you and your family? (i.e., childcare, health insurance, food stamps, unemployment benefits)

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* 7. Do you work a second job in order to support yourself or your family?

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* 8. If you have ever considered leaving your position as a direct care worker, please rank the reasons why?

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* 9. How likely are you to continue working as a direct care worker if it led to additional health care career certifications like CNA, LPN or RN?

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* 10. Do you have health insurance?

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* 11. What is the average amount per month you spend on health care expenses (co-pays, premiums, out-of-pocket costs, etc)

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* 12. If your employer offers health insurance, please rate it's affordability

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* 13. If you have ever had to make the choice to pay your health insurance instead of another living expense, mark the items below you did not pay because of health insurance expenses?

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* 14. Please share any other comments you would like us to know about being a direct care worker in Wisconsin.

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* 15. Providing your name and email will help you stay connected to advocates currently working on improving conditions for the direct care workforce.  This is optional and will be kept confidential.  InControl will not share your contact information with others.

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* 16. Wisconsin Long Term Care Workforce Alliance offers FREE membership to direct care workers.  Do you want to speak out about improving benefits and support to the direct care workforce in Wisconsin?  Use this link to get your FREE membership and stay connected.  
Join the WI Long Term Care Workforce Alliance