The purpose of this questionnaire is to provide teachers an opportunity to provide feedback on the Digital Products A/M course.

You may provide feedback on the following:
• course rationale
• course goals
• unit description
• specific unit goals
• content descriptions

Each section of the questionnaire requires responses on a rating scale to key statements with an opportunity to include comments that focus on suggestions for improvement.

Question Title

* 2.

The rationale provides clarity about the subject’s broad scope, distinctive nature and importance.

Question Title

The course goals are clear about the intended learning but allow flexibility.

Question Title

* 4. Unit Title: Desktop Applications
The unit  description clearly describes the focus and scope for this unit and informs in the planning of the program of learning.

Question Title

* 5. Unit Title: Desktop Applications
The unit goals are appropriate.

Question Title

* 6. Unit Title: Desktop Applications
The unit contains an appropriate amount of content, that is, can be taught within 50-60 hours.

Question Title

* 7. Unit Title: Desktop Applications
The content descriptions allow flexibility for a teacher to plan a program of learning that addresses the learning needs and interests of their students.

Question Title

* 8. Unit Title: Digital Media Foundations
The unit description clearly describes the focus and scope for this unit and informs in the planning of the program of learning.

Question Title

* 9. Unit Title: Digital Media Foundations
The unit goals are appropriate.

Question Title

* 10. Unit Title: Digital Media Foundations
The unit contains an appropriate amount of content, that is, can be taught within 50-60 hours.

Question Title

* 11. Unit Title: Digital Media Foundations
The content descriptions allow flexibility for a teacher to plan a program of learning that addresses the learning needs and interests of their students.

Question Title

* 12. Unit Title: Managing Data and Clients
The unit description clearly describes the focus and scope for this unit and informs in the planning of the program of learning.

Question Title

* 13. Unit Title: Managing Data and Clients
The unit goals are appropriate.

Question Title

* 14. Unit Title: Managing Data and Clients
The unit contains an appropriate amount of content, that is, can be taught within 50-60 hours.

Question Title

* 15. Unit Title: Managing Data and Clients
The content descriptions allow flexibility for a teacher to plan a program of learning that addresses the learning needs and interests of their students.

Question Title

* 16. Unit Title: ICT Workplace Practices
The unit description clearly describes the focus and scope for this unit and informs in the planning of the program of learning.

Question Title

* 17. Unit Title:  ICT Workplace Practices
The unit goals are appropriate.

Question Title

* 18. Unit Title: ICT Workplace Practices
The content descriptions allow flexibility for a teacher to plan a program of learning that addresses the learning needs and interests of their students.

Question Title

* 19. Unit Title: ICT Workplace Practices
The unit contains an appropriate amount of content, that is, can be taught within 50-60 hours.

Question Title

* 20. Unit 5: Negotiated Study
The unit goals are appropriate.

Question Title

* 21. Unit 5: Negotiated Study
Unit 5 specific unit goals are appropriate.

Question Title

* 22. Unit 5: Negotiated Study
The content descriptions allow flexibility for a teacher to plan a program of learning that addresses the learning needs and interests of their students.

Question Title

* 23. Unit 5: Negotiated Study
The content descriptions provide flexibility and sufficient guidance about what is to be taught.